There is currently a lot of information, but also a lot of misinformation, about meditation and other well-being practices on the internet. We live in very exciting times, and it is absolutely amazing that in most countries today (sadly, not all), most people are allowed to express freely what's on their minds and contribute to this immense, borderless web of thoughts and ideas that help shape the collective consciousness of humanity.
Still, we need to be very careful with the ideas we consume because what our mind consumes will define what we think, and what we think will define how we act in the outside world. Recently, I've been observing and experiencing two very widespread trends about meditation that might distanciate people from the real purpose of meditation. Or even worse, plant negative seeds in people's minds about meditation, which find their roots in opinions and ideas that are far from being beneficial for our collective evolution. Let me share them with you:
First, there are still many people who believe that meditation is meant to be an individual practice, solely enhancing one's self-development.
Second, there are those who express their concern about meditation and other self-development practices breaking into the professional arena of life, probably moved by the fear that it might disrupt the old, self-centered ways of doing management and create more imbalance instead of generating improvement in the workplace.
I think the whole problem with these current trends against meditation and self-development practices and their uses at work comes from the wrongly established definition of meditation as a self-development practice.
Yes, meditation starts within the individual.
It is you, becoming the master of your own mind. It is you becoming aware of recurring positive and negative thought patterns, behaviors, traumas, and ways of interacting with the world, and becoming able to correct and adjust them. It is also you, developing a greater sense of well-being and learning to manage your emotions more effectively. And in consequence, you are the one who starts making better decisions for your life and being less manipulated and directed by circumstances around you. It is you, starting to create the life that resonates with your deepest purpose and which will bring you greater happiness.
But do you live entirely on your own? Isolated from other human beings?
Or is your life rather a constant sequence of events and interactions with other people around you? Isn't life a beautiful playing field where new connections and synergies are made?
Be it at home, at school, at the workplace, in your hobbies, or even during a short visit to the supermarket, chances are, you are interacting with other people on a day-to-day basis. Your life is made of the connections you make with other people and the experiences you share with them. It is just an inevitable, natural law of this human adventure on Earth.
The real, ultimate purpose of meditation is to improve the quality of those experiences. In those experiences where there is you and the people you meet every day. People you love and admire, people with whom at first you might have no particular attachment to, and even people who you might see as a difficult challenge or obstacle. With meditation, you will be able to maintain a sense of gratitude, appreciation, and equanimity towards everyone you meet, thus improving your relationships and your contributions to society and the world at large.
Including, of course, your workplace and the people you have to collaborate with.
People who are against meditation are people who have probably never practiced it enough to understand and experience the benefits it brings both at the individual and the collective level.
Or people who are afraid of losing control and power over others. Meditation strengthens leadership qualities such as confidence, mindfulness, and proactivity, and many leaders or influential people who are attached to being in control are not yet ready for the empowerment of the many over the domination from the few.
Sure, meditation alone is not going to change your life.
Neither is it the only way to help you grow or attain your fullest potential.
But through its practice, you will develop inner positive qualities that will not only make you live your life in a happier, more peaceful way but also help you become a person of value that contributes in a positive way to the lives of people around you and to the world's numerous challenges.
At Meditaction, we encourage people to meditate together to unlock the boundless potential of human consciousness by harnessing the power of the collective mind. Meditating together, before acting together for a better world.
When practiced with this intention, I cannot see how it can be a detrimental or a dangerous practice. Do you?
Hi Tati, thanks for the new post. Regarding these topics I do believe meditation by my own improved a lot my life, it was a game change for me. Of course be with another people at retreats help me a lot to develop my concentration and put all the lesson in practice, also the power of to meditare in group is far away best than meditate alone… and of course to introduce meditating at the work groups and companies it will be really uplifting for the leadership and groups relation around the globe, and the improvement of hight level consciousness to our society. When are you panning start your programs with business and schools? I’m sure when you decide to…